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Suzhou TECON Construction Technology Co., Ltd
Suzhou TECON Construction Technology Co., Ltd

How to Calculate Concrete Pressure on Formwork?

Concrete is one of the most commonly used building materials worldwide. The material has a high compressive strength, which makes it ideal for use in structural construction. One of the most common applications of concrete is in the construction of formwork. Formwork is a temporary structure that is used to support different concrete formwork types until it sets and gains sufficient strength to support itself. However, it is important to calculate the concrete pressure on formwork to ensure that the structure can withstand the weight of the concrete. 

What is formwork?

Before we delve into calculating concrete pressure on formwork, it's essential to understand what formwork is. Put simply, formwork is the temporary structure, usually made from timber, steel, or aluminum, which holds wet concrete in place until it sets and reaches a sufficient strength to support its weight. Formwork can take various shapes and designs, depending on the type and shape of the final concrete structure. 

How to calculate concrete pressure?

The pressure of fresh concrete during placement is known as lateral pressure. The lateral pressure increases with the height and rate of pouring of the concrete mix. Calculating the concrete pressure on formwork is imperative to avoid any structural failures. The formula to calculate the concrete pressure on formwork is P= (hC) / A, where P = pressure in kN/m2, h = height of the concrete in meters, C = unit weight of concrete in kN/m3, and A = contact area of formwork in m2. 

It's important to note that the pressure exerted by concrete on formwork tends to be proportional to the height of the formwork. So, if you're pouring a 25-meter high wall, the pressure exerted on the formwork would be much higher than if you were pouring a 5-meter high wall. 

Importance of calculating concrete pressure on formwork

Calculating concrete pressure on formwork is crucial to ensure that the structure can withstand the weight of the wet concrete. An overestimation of the pressure may lead to the increased design of the temporary structure or an increase in the number of support elements, leading to additional costs. In contrast, underestimating the pressure may cause the temporary structure to fail or collapse, leading to significant safety hazards and property damage. 

In conclusion, the accurate calculation of concrete pressure on formwork, provided by a reputable formwork company, is essential to ensure the safety and success of any concrete construction project. Factors like the height of the wall, the contact area of formwork, and unit weight of concrete all play significant roles in the calculation. As such, it’s necessary to use reliable and accurate formulas like the one mentioned above to ensure successful concrete construction projects.

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